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L E G A C Y   2 0 2 4

Leaving a legacy involves more than handing down an inheritance or passing along your family name. Earthly things fade away but a lasting legacy is one that continues into eternity: our faith in Christ will build a legacy that lasts from everlasting to everlasting! To learn more, visit us when registration opens on August 1!

Dates: Friday, Oct. 25 - Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024

Price: $175-$210 per person - includes meals, lodging and activities (price varies based on lodging)

  • S P E A K E R
    S P E A K E R

    J E F F   H I C K S

    Jeff is a farm boy from Iowa who has never gotten all the dirt cleaned out from under his fingernails. He is a graduate of Nebraska Christian College and Kentucky Christian University, and has held ministries in Iowa and Minnesota, before spending the last 18 years at Florence Christian Church in Omaha, NE. He works part-time as a chaplain at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. Jeff & Angie have been married for 40 years, have 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. They enjoy biking, camping, and trying to make believe they’re not as old as they are.

  • W O R S H I P
    W O R S H I P

    K E V I N   M C C L U R E

    Kevin is a worship leader in Omaha, NE. He is married to Hailey, father to two daughters and one son, and has been part of leading worship here at camp for many summers. He looks forward to connecting with and leading people to Christ this fall at the men's retreat!


F R I D A Y ,  O C T .  2 5

6:30 pm - Registration

7:45 pm - Session 1

8:45 pm - Campfire & Snacks

S A T U R D A Y ,  O C T .  2 6

8:30 am - Breakfast

9:30 am - Morning Devotions

10:15 am - Small Groups + Quiet Time

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 pm - Free Time*

6:00 pm - Supper

7:00 pm - Session 2

8:30 pm - Small Groups + Quiet Time

9:15 pm - Campfire & S'mores

**Activities: tower/zipline, axe throwing, fishing, tournaments, coffee, etc.

S U N D A Y ,  O C T .  2 7

9:30 am - Session 3

10:30 am - Brunch

11:30 am - Closing Prayer

11:45 am - Departure


R E G I S T R A T I O N   C L O S E D