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K I N D R E D   2 0 2 5

You’re invited to a weekend of romance, adventure, learning, and fun without the distractions from everyday life. Together, you and your spouse will be encouraged to pursue passion, vision, and mission in your marriage so that you can say, “yes” to God in your relationship. Sign up to draw closer to one another as you draw closer to Him.

Price: $290 per couple - includes meals, lodging, sessions, and activities (Note: $50 non-refundable deposit must be sent with your registration)

  • S P E A K E R S
    S P E A K E R S

    E V A N   &   S T E P H A N I E   W E S T B U R G

    Evan and Stephanie have been married for 21 years. They have three kids and live in Lincoln, Nebraska. Evan is a fan of baking and auto racing. Stephanie enjoys exercise and learning new things.

  • W O R S H I P
    W O R S H I P

    T A R Y N   &   N O A H   A N D E R S O N

    Taryn and Noah met and started dating in 2009, all through high school, got married in 2014, had their first child (Kian) in 2017 and second (Nora) in 2020. Over the last 15 years, they have had a multitude of highs and lows, and through it all have been so amazed at the faithfulness of God. Whether it be financially, in their church home, in their home, protection, you name it, and God has been so faithful."


F R I D A Y ,  F E B .  1 4

6:30 pm - Registration

7:30 pm - Welcome & Coffee

7:45 pm - Session 1

8:45 pm - S'mores & Hot Chocolate Bar

S A T U R D A Y ,  F E B .  1 5

9:00 am - Breakfast

10:00 am - Session 2

11:30 am - Small Groups

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 pm - Free Time*

4:00 pm - Session 3

5:30 pm - Break

6:00 pm - Date Night Supper

7:00 pm - Free Time

9:00 pm - Movie Night

*Activities include: coffee tasting, mini golf, and baking*

S U N D A Y ,  F E B .  1 6

8:45 am - Session 4

10:00 am - Small Groups

10:30 am - Brunch

11:15 am - Closing Prayers

11:30 am - Departure